aI for business unlocked

free 1.5hr virtual training

service based business owners, coaches, consultants, and small business owners...

discover the secrets of using AI

to supercharge your profits

and save you hundreds of hours every month

(without the need for tech skills or any prior experience!)
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claim your free spot on this virtual training


attention business owners:

massively improve your business results with the REVOLUTIONARY potential of aI to

improve efficiency, lower costs and drive growth

  • Automate Routine Tasks
  • ​Enhanced Marketing Campaigns
  • Streamlined Operations
  • Increased Efficiency
  • Better Decision Making
  • ​Improved Product Development
  • ​Save Thousands In Recruitment
  • ​Lower All Key Sales Metrics

without using aI, businesses are

wasting time and money

and will fall behind the competition

hindering their ability to grow and succeed

  • Higher Operating Costs
  • Missed Opportunities
  • Reduced Competitiveness
  • ​Limited Innovation
  • Wasting Hours Every Day
  • Ineffective Marketing
  • Manual Errors Costing Thousands
  • Poor Decision-Making

on this unique, one of a kind training i will share with you the 3 secrets that you need to know about ai to lower costs, save time and increase profits

on this unique, one of a kind training i will share the 3 secrets that you need to know about AI to lower costs, save time and increase profits

when i started back in 2008 it was easy!
you posted on your page
everyone who 'liked' your page saw the post
lots commented, some even purchased
you spent some money on ads
lead cost was low sale cost was low
reporting was easy
social media was predictable
life is good.
There are two types of business owners:
- Those that are doing it the hard way
- Those that are doing it the easy way

Those that are doing it the hard way often feel overwhelmed and struggle with productivity and time management.
They are regularly consumed by the day-to-day running of the business and run out of ‘brain space’ to come up with new ideas and innovate.

They are doing everything in the business and wear 17 different hats just to get things done.

Does any of this sound familiar?

On AI For Business Unlocked training, I’ll show you how business owners can now use the revolutionary power of AI to 
- Save hundreds of hours every month 
- Free up ‘brain space to focus on more important tasks 
- Eliminate procrastination and get things done quicker 
- Supercharge every employee in every department of your business.
There are five significant areas where AI can be especially useful.
Marketing: AI can assist with a huge range of tasks (not just writing blog posts and ad copy). Use AI to increase the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
Sales: By streamlining sales these tasks, you can focus on building better relationships with your clients and growing your business.
Business Strategy: Using AI to inform your decision-making processes will ultimately lead to better business outcomes. Not sure how? I’ll show you on AI For Business Unlocked.
Recruitment and Team Management: Save time and improve the efficiency of your team's overall performance.
Branding: In this training, I’ll share 11 ways that you can use AI to create a strong brand identity that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from the competition.
There has been so much buzz about using AI recently, but how can you use it in your business to improve your results?

I’ve mentioned two of the big ones:
- Saving Time
- Saving Money

The third?

With a little knowledge and know-how, you can use AI to gain a competitive advantage over your competition.

By staying ahead of the curve and innovating within your industry, you can differentiate yourself from your competition and create a unique selling proposition that attracts customers and sets you apart.

On AI For Business Unlocked, I take a deep dive into all 3 areas so you’ll leave knowing exactly where to start and what to do next.

claim your free spot on this virtual training

when i started back in 2008 it was easy!
you posted on your page
everyone who 'liked' your page saw the post
lots commented, some even purchased
you spent some money on ads
lead cost was low sale cost was low
reporting was easy
social media was predictable
life is good.

why THIS training?

The world is changing with AI, and it is essential that businesses embrace it. Using AI can accelerate your results and provide opportunities that would not be possible otherwise.

Failing to embrace AI can lead to falling behind in the market and missing out on significant opportunities.

I'm Adam Stott, a business expert who has spent hundreds of hours researching the latest AI tools, and i've seen the amazing results that are possible when using these tools in the right way. I was initially stunned by the power of AI, but I quickly turned my attention to how it could impact a business and generate thousands, and even millions, in revenue.
There is a massive opportunity in the marketplace right now for those who are willing to embrace AI. Business Owners just like you and me, are getting massive results by using AI effectively. With the right knowledge and tools, you can achieve incredible things and take your business to the next level.

However, to succeed with AI, it is crucial to understand how to use it effectively.
Many people talk about AI tools like ChatGPT, but they fail to show others how to use them effectively. It's not just about having the tools; it's about knowing how to use them in the right way to achieve your business goals.
The power of AI is undeniable, and those who embrace it and learn how to use it effectively will reap the benefits. How you change is how you succeed, and with the right knowledge and tools, you can take your business to the next level and achieve incredible results.

Don't miss out on the chance to improve your business results with the AI revolution.


this is what some of our clients said After following

AI for business unlocked training

ben smith - photographer

Photographer Ben struggled with procrastination and making the most of his time when he wasn't out shooting with clients.
Following the training Ben was able to get hundreds of hours back every week, and was able to accelerate the launch of his new website, making him £100's in the process.

chava Horn - Toy and Stationary Wholesaler

Was able to rewrite and optimise thousands of Amazon product listings in super-quick time. Thanks to the training, Chava is using AI tools in every area of marketing in her business and has saved hundreds of hours every month!

Kalvin Morris - recruitment

Kalvin has embraced the AI Revolution and is using AI tools in every area of his recruitment business, from creating marketing scripts to legal contracts and following the training. Kalvin is now automating tasks that previously took hundreds of manual hours per month to complete.

Pete and Sue - Bespoke Yacht Maintenance

Pete and Sue were sceptical at first but soon adopted AI in their business and are saving several hours per day thanks to AI for Business Unlocked training!

Trevor and Julia - Property Development

Property training business owners Trevor and Sue already have a successful business and felt overwhelmed by all the hype around ChatGPT and AI for business. Following the training, they are now using AI to assist them with social media, saving time every week and getting things done much faster than before.

hannah viney - public relations

Hannah was a one person army, doing everything herself and struggling to get everything done in good time. Following the AI For Business Unlocked training, Hannah is using AI to expand her team.

it's time you embraced the aI revolution - save your place on the free training below

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At this event we may promote further training programs, you are under NO obligation to purchase.
We do not purport this training event as a “GET RICH SCHEME.” We do not guarantee you any results, as it is your responsibility to apply the knowledge that you learn to your own situation/circumstances.
Any Earnings and income representations made by Big Business Events and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational only and should not be mistaken for any kind of guarantee. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.
Big Business Events is a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 10173932 and registered offices at Big Business Events, Swift House, Hoffmann's Way, Chelmsford, CM1 1GU, United Kingdom.